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Protection and Self Care for healers

Exclusive workshop for healers, therapists, shamans , healers and facilitators with at least one year of experience in their work.

During your training or apprenticeship, you will be taught techniques and methods for energetic cleaning and protection for your home, business, family or person.

Has it happened to you that during a healing or after a healing your energy drops or you are very tired or exhausted?

At the end of a ceremony, do you feel any energy for a long time or do you have a hard time processing it?

Do you end up with pain in your body or muscles or head after helping or collaborating in healings?

Do you have very vivid dreams or nightmares where everything feels real and you wake up very tired?

At the end of your work day, does everyone tell you that they felt great, but you are very exhausted and discouraged without wanting to do anything?

Do you get sick from the same conditions as your patients and sometimes it is more difficult for you to relieve yourself?

This introductory workshop is created for all those who answered yes to one or more of the above questions.

During the workshop we will see protection techniques with different ritual elements and ceremonies.

We will learn self-cleaning techniques and transmutation or transformation of the energy that we observe from our patients.

We will use the elements air, fire, water, earth to learn to protect and clean ourselves.
We will use different tools such as incense sticks, rattles, quartz, obsidian, drums, flutes, feathers, fabrics of different colors to learn to harmonize our environment.

We will learn ceremonies and rituals of self-invocation and self-healing.
We will analyze general and particular cases to know what to use and how to use it.

Beginning Wednesday, February 8, ending March 29, 2023
Duration 8 classes one per week of 2 hours each class
Hours from 19 to 21 hrs. London time
Cost £260 a single payment

Tonawaka Kwauhtlinxan: He who advises people for better decision making. He guides and is in charge of different ancestral ceremonies or Aztec festivities.
Tonawaka is one of the “Guardians” of this Ancient Knowledge. He was born into oWe continue our work with master @Tonawaka Kwauhtlinxan. e of the Mexica dynastic families called “Kaxtias”.
These families, direct descendants of the Aztecs, were in charge of preserving the scriptures and knowledge of Ancient Mexico since 1521 by order of Kuauhtemok. (Also known as Cuauhtemoc, the last Tlatoani on Mexican History).Temaxtianitl / He who applies the system
Tonawaka is a “Temaxtianitl”, that is, a person who applies the traditional knowledge system that has been transmitted from instructor to apprentice and father to son.In his case, he has been learning it since he was a child. He has been trained in the Toltec/Aztec sciences and disciplines.
This tradition comprises knowledge of medicine, healing, warrior and sacred dances, the calendar system, agriculture, world vision, cosmovision and systems of governance and commerce.Teotepixke / who selects the energy and guides the ancestral ceremonies.
Is the one who is attentive to the ideal moment to carry out the work, as
Soltice, Equinox, Full moon, 20 days, Temazcal, and other Special Ceremonies as “sowing name”, Aztec weddings, Birthdays, Mortuar and Special Cycles.
Since 1992 he has applied the traditional health system/ therapy all over Mexico country and in several Service Tradition Houses (Mexico City).
He has been supervisor and acted as a consultant for several Aztec tradition learning groups.He has lectured in some national and international educational centers, and has participated on TV & radio programs for the Mexican Department of Education.