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Sweat Lodge for Women

  • Berkeley farm project manor Road RM4 1NH United Kingdom (map)

Putting out the call for you to come sweat, sing and surrender in our women's temazcal this Saturday 30th September 2023

On this occasion, we will have the presence of Oriana del Mar (Xiwtécpatl Mayáhuel), a Colombian sister, moon dancer & lunar chanupa carrier in the lineage of Grandmother Mallinali from Michoacan Mexico, who was a leader of the OLLINTLAHUIMETZTLI moon dance circle in Mexico and from the lineage of Grandmother Tanametzli in the Hiuztlampayolotl Metztli moon dance circle in Colombia.

Oriana also is a herbalist and traditional healer, specialising in women's empowerment and self expression.

Please let us know if you would like to join us to uplift our hearts and voices, cleanse our bodies and connect with Mother Earth, the sacred elements and the miraculous web of life.

Whatsapp +4475856767672476 (Oriana).

We will light the fire at 11h, entering the hut at 13h. At the end we will smoke the chanupa lunar (moon pipe).

We will finish at approximately 17:30h .

To secure your place, please send £60

Please bring long dress or long skirt to enter the Temazcal and fruits to share.

Get in touch if you have any questions I send you lots of love, X